How to quit drinking

Every person who wants to drink regularly asks the question: "How to stop drinking alcohol on your own? " This is a sign that he is really ready to try and possibly overcome the craving for the bottle.

How to stop drinking on your own: First steps

How can a man stop drinking If alcohol addiction is severe, the patient can no longer think spatially, cannot take responsibility for his or her actions, and is unlikely to stop drinking on his own. Even in a good clinic, restoring him to a full life would be problematic. But in the first and second stages of alcoholism, everything is much simpler and dealing with problems is quite realistic:
  1. Intermittent drinking. A person drinks alcohol rarely and without any regularity. When you're hungover, alcohol can cause intense feelings of aversion. But phase one quickly turned into phase two.
  2. Ritual drunkenness. This stage is characterized by a person using frequently for various reasons. Vacations or other events and drinking became synonymous.
  3. Habitual drinking is characterized by regular drinking of alcohol two or more times per week. The alcoholic does not necessarily have any reasons, but out of habit he can look for them and express them. Memory loss often occurs the next morning.
There are only two ways to quit drinking on your own: voluntarily giving up alcohol permanently and completely or gradually reducing your dose. Until then, you need to recognize and accept that excessive drinking is a problem that needs to be addressed. The option of coding by sewing in certain drugs is not considered here. Anyone can kick this habit on their own, you just need to know if you are one of the strong-willed people.

Whose help do you need to stop drinking for good?

People who want to stop drinking don't always know how to do this and who to contact. If you plan to start on your own, perhaps the support of friends and family will be enough for you. This is one of the pillars that will help you stop drinking.An anesthesiologist can provide advice on how to stop drinking on your own and help eliminate the effects of alcohol on the body. Detoxification usually takes a day. As for recommendations, in order to return to a full life, the doctor may prescribe some medications:
  • Medications to help cope with hangovers;
  • Preparations and tablets that reduce the desire for alcohol or cause aversion.
Psychologists can also easily help you stop drinking. With him, the addicted person will be able to find out what prompted him to drink. This is one of the most important things to understand in order to move towards an alcohol-free life. A psychologist can also help you avoid breakups and rebuild relationships with your loved ones.

What does an alcoholic go through after he quits drinking?

What happens to a drunkard after he quits drinking After the ritual drinking has stopped, the body needs time to establish all processes. The intoxication gradually disappears and is accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations in the head, heart, muscles and gastrointestinal tract. Seizures, hallucinations, and high blood pressure may occur. Tremors, increased anxiety and restlessness, sleep problems, and sudden mood swings may also occur. This can last up to a month. If you want to stop drinking and minimize physical discomfort, you'll need to undergo a detox program. It is performed in clinics and medical centers. Hangover medications can also help reduce symptoms.You must call an ambulance if you experience panic attacks, severe tremors, and anxiety, as these conditions are characteristic of an episode of delirium tremens. Ignoring symptoms can lead to serious health problems. Sometimes delirium tremens can lead to death.

Private clinic help

Those who receive help from a drug rehab center have a greater chance of not relapsing and becoming sober. Private clinics are ahead of state drug rehab centers when it comes to how to quit drinking for good. This is due to a number of factors, but the main three are: the use of the most modern and powerful coding techniques, anesthetists and psychologists working with patients, and the high cost of services. The first and second increase the effectiveness of the treatment, and the third additionally motivates patients and their families. Of course, outpatient treatment for alcoholism is more effective than patients working on their own problems at home.Clinics must detoxify the body before the patient stops drinking. They then coded with advice or medication. The Dovzhenko method and subcutaneous injection of drugs that induce aversion to drinking have proven highly effective. After this, patients are advised to stay in the clinic's hospital for a few weeks to make it easier to break out of the cycle and go through physical withdrawal under the supervision of medical staff. This approach to alcohol withdrawal often needs to be supplemented by working with a psychologist.

How to stop drinking without a clinic

Breaking bad habits on your own is extremely difficult because drinking alcohol can improve your mood and make life easier and more enjoyable. However, it is possible if the disease has not progressed too far. How to stop drinking on your own step by step:
  • Admit there is a problem. This is the most important step.
  • Find out the causes of alcoholism. The most common are a desire to simplify life or habits developed as a result of the drinking environment. If breaking up with a friend or colleague is easy - all you need to do is move to another city or reduce communication to a minimum, but the first reason is more difficult. You must make a serious effort to break the habit of hiding your problems behind bottles.
  • Choose a goal. It must be achievable. If you are weak-willed, then it is better to stop drinking alcohol gradually, reducing the dosage so that you can completely stop drinking after six months.
  • Find motivation. This is close to goal setting, but unlike goals, there may be multiple motivations. For example, improving relationships with family and relatives, maintaining employment, improving material well-being and health.
  • Choose the right moment. This is an important part of how to quit drinking for good.
  • Find the right way to quit drinking. Often desire or a strong will is not enough. To help patients, many medications have been developed that can be used at home. But the doctor still has to choose them based on the individual characteristics of the body and the course of the disease, so at least one appointment with an anesthetist is necessary. If you want to start quitting drinking without coding, he'll show you how to quit drinking without coding.
  • Ask someone to control you. Quitting smoking is much easier if you have a support group and a key person to help avoid temptation and oversee the implementation of a plan for returning to normal life.
  • Find new hobbies and replace alcohol with other drinks. Sometimes you have to change circumstances and give up some old hobbies.
  • Follow your eating habits. Some foods make you want to drink. In this case, you should replace your usual alcoholic drink with another drink. For example, kvass, candied fruit, tea.

The right time to stop drinking

People who have been able to regain sobriety talk about the importance of correct timing. It can be easier to stop drinking after heavy drinking or even prolonged binge drinking. That way you won't be bothered by ending up "never drunk".There is no easy way to stop drinking on your own. This is a battle that one must have with oneself.

How to quit drinking alcohol quickly

The people with the highest success rate in quitting bad habits were those who coded it by sewing special substances under their skin. They make drinking alcohol impossible: as soon as a small amount of alcohol enters the patient's body, the person immediately begins to experience intense unpleasant sensations. This method is good if the patient does not want to disclose his problem. Perhaps the easiest way to quit drinking alcohol quickly at home.

15 Tips on How to Stop Drinking

Tips for quitting drinkingAnesthesiologists, psychologists, and those who have recovered from drug addiction offer some tips and advice:
  1. Avoid companies that encourage frequent drinking. If you have such people among your friends, you should communicate with them less.
  2. Remove all alcohol from the house. You can pour it out or give it to a friend who drinks in moderation.
  3. Don't drink to celebrate the holidays, and don't look for reasons or excuses to take a "day off" to relax.
  4. Don't feel sorry for yourself. You have a valuable goal, not a penalty. Giving up alcohol on weekends and in general will help you achieve a lot in life.
  5. Work helps me forget about drinking for a while.
  6. Try to find new hobbies and interests.
  7. Find out how your acquaintances or friends stop drinking or stop drinking over the weekend. Communicate with them frequently for moral support and helpful advice.
  8. Try to remember what it was like to have fun and have a fun time without alcoholism. You can learn about how people can have fun without drinking from those who don't drink for religious, faith, professional or sporting reasons.
  9. It is recommended to change your daily habits, get enough sleep and establish proper nutrition. You should not eat foods that arouse the desire to drink: spicy and salty foods, fish, sweets, coffee. It is necessary to drink as much water as possible - this starts metabolic processes in the body and promotes the elimination of alcohol.
  10. Every morning should start with a happy start: a delicious and healthy breakfast, an energizing shower or your favorite positive music.
  11. Integrate exercise into your life. Even a short workout will help you feel more energetic and improve your health.
  12. Try to plan your day. How can this help you stop drinking at home? It's simple - you'll be busy with business or socializing with friends and relatives who don't drink. This will help you avoid temptation.
  13. Celebrate tasks completed and be sure to praise yourself for them to improve your mood and prove to yourself that you can do more without drinking. You can also reward yourself with all kinds of fun: good food, shopping, socializing with pleasant people.
  14. Meet new people and communicate more about interesting topics. Try to fill your free time with pleasant and interesting things: religion, art, sports, movies.
  15. How to effectively stop drinking at home? You can also place posters and sticky notes with motivational phrases throughout the house. They should be updated regularly and their location changed.