
  • Christophe
    I have tried many methods and drugs. Or was not a result nothing at all, or the effect quickly passed, already after one week again started drinking as before. With alkozeron everything is different. With these capsules I don't drink already eight months! Sin that I did not know before, that there is an effective tool, if this at such an affordable price.
  • Nicolas
    Due to continuous drunk wife is gone, she took the kids. Left alone, I realized that it does not help anyone. Has decided that it is time to do something. He turned to the psychiatrist. The doctor recommends taking the capsules alkozeronhe said that is better than this tool no. I don't drink any more, and I hope that the wife and kids will come soon, and we will be happy to as it was before my alcoholism.
  • Sylvie
    To relax after a day of work and drank a sip of every night. Once you understand that without this is not possible and you become dependent. Contact a clinic has not been resolved. I read on the internet about the methods of treatment. On the forum knew alkozeron. Already after a few days of taking alcohol has become a turn on. I don't drink any more, and I feel great!
  • Philippe
    One effective tool for fighting the addiction to alcohol. Brother already more than 10 years drinking too much. So much so, that he left his wife, took his son. Accidentally by the family knew that there are capsules alkozeronhelp to stop drinking for a couple of days of intake. And so it came to pass, and finally I have for so many years has seen a brother sober.
  • Françoise
    Alkozeron it has saved our family and, in particular, the life of her husband. From the good a person with alcohol dependence has turned into the unemployed and the irresponsible of a drunken. Daily alcohol, smoking in the apartment... Now is already the third month of not drinking at all. He made me drink these capsules under the sight of pills against headaches.
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