Causes of excessive drinking
- genetic factors.While alcohol dependence does exist, research on alcohol dependence shows the following statistics: Children of alcohol-dependent parents have an average of 1/4 increased risk of developing alcoholism. This allows us to assert that social and psychological factors play a major role in the development of the disease, while genetics is the favorable "background" that leads to the progression of alcoholism.
- social factorsRepresents a set of causes and life circumstances that stimulate a person to drink.
- Pressure from others - in which a person starts drinking "socially" to avoid being different from the rest of the group, to maintain tradition or to fit in better, etc. ;
- Unsatisfactory or complex professional activities - occupations that take a lot of time, are boring, wrongly choose jobs that do not meet personal needs and interests, and involve excessive physical and mental stress, high risks and responsibilities;
- Unsatisfactory quality of life – unfavorable living conditions or unpleasant neighbourhoods, financial difficulties, malnutrition, lack of stable income.
- psychological reasonsBasically, they represent an inability to adapt to the realities of life and a lack of confidence in oneself and one's strengths. They mainly consist of the following factors:
- Demonstrative behavior - Deliberately attracting the attention of the public or a small group of people;
- Lack of trusting relationships and opportunities to voice "painful issues";
- Internal inconsistency with the ideal self-image - low self-esteem, self-blame, self-blame;
- Impossibility of personal self-realization - lack of family, difficulties in relations with parents ("I am a bad son", etc. );
- Drinking is a way to get rid of psychological "blocks" - timidity, shyness, anxiety;
- Fears, phobias, increased anxiety, paranoia;
- The need to relieve tension, the inability to overcome stress independently, and psycho-emotional stress.
Myths about alcohol
Alcohol is the best assistant in fighting disease
Alcohol relieves stress
Alcohol is not a drug
It's normal to drink alcohol occasionally
It’s normal to rarely drink alcohol
I drink "for courage"
Tips on how to stop drinking on your own
appropriate time
Take care of your health
Caring for loved ones
Desire to maintain social status, career, wealth
accept changes
ability to relax
- meditation;
- self-massage;
- Breathing exercises etc.