Alcohol addiction is a terrible grief for families. Alcoholics are the No. 1 cause of domestic violence, financial hardship and false stereotypes in young children. Children can repeat the same mistakes by constantly observing relatives drinking at home.
How to convince an alcoholic to quit drinking?
The biggest problem is that drunk people don't realize the existence of alcohol addiction until the very end. For them, alcohol becomes the only joy in life. The feeling of the problem, the difficulties of life are bland.
It is almost impossible to convince a person to stop drinking. But the pleasant leisure phase of having a glass of wine quickly ends, and disease sets in, with irreversible changes in the cerebral cortex.
growing social problems

- more frequent family conflicts;
- Circumstances changed - tried and tested friends turned away and alcoholics took their place;
- In a state of intoxication, one can easily break the law;
- Loss of interest in life etc.
How to get a loved one to stop drinking?
In order not to lose their loved ones completely, relatives and friends have one last chance - to force a person to quit drinking. In this case, no method should be overlooked, and the means to bring the stray back into society should not be overlooked. How to persuade to quit drinking? Should he be persuaded? Where to start? Maybe you need forced therapy?
There is no doubt that it is necessary to try to persuade, to make people aware of the problem, to help make it happen and to understand that this situation should be handled in some way. Touching his mind, evoking fond memories of alcohol not dominating him.
After realizing the problem, you need to force the alcoholic to stop drinking. This is an extremely difficult task that requires incredible effort from both you and the patient. Realizing the problem didn't always prompt him to stop drinking. A person does not end up admitting that he cannot quit smoking, he assures others that he does not want to quit smoking at all at this moment. But as long as he wanted to, the vodka would be forgotten effortlessly. He sincerely believes that he lacks real motivation today, especially tomorrow for "Vassya's neighbor's birthday" and then Fisherman's Day, but after the new year, starting at 8 am, he will definitely quit. This can continue indefinitely. At the same time, if you try to persevere, you will also be very aggressive towards yourself.

What can make a drinker stop drinking?
Here are some general rules to start with persuading an alcoholic:
- Talk about it only when he's awake;
- you are an important person to the patient;
- Prepare hard evidence that he is in fact an alcoholic;
- Prove that you are willing to help him recover from drunkenness;
- Prove that there is a reliable treatment method, taking the example of a friend who has been detoxing together;
- Commit to supporting him morally to the end.
It is often our own fault that drinking becomes a disaster. We ourselves tried to ignore this issue until the end. We are losing the moment when addiction starts to dominate. Remember, when your loved one starts to lose their sense of proportion while drinking, the next day we hear:
- "I always rest like this";
- "I have no problems, everything is in order";
- "I have everything under control";
- "It was meant to be" and so on.
Whatever the reason, promise "this is the last time", knowing you already have a serious problem! This means that your husband, son, boyfriend has become addicted to alcohol, and now it is difficult to convince a man to quit drinking. But leaving it as-is won't work, it will start to degenerate before your eyes:
- Will not quit drinking, but will quit drinking more and more frequently;
- become more aggressive over time;
- will lose control more frequently;
- Gradually destroy their emotional and mental state.
Even in the sober state, patients experience the consequences of alcohol dependence: irritation, depression, isolation, nervousness. No need to indulge in fantasies - "maybe it will get better on its own", "everything will change over time".
How can I get my husband to stop drinking?
It's time to act, but what makes a husband stop drinking? For this, all methods are good and we must do everything possible. Before applying various methods to combat alcohol addiction, it is necessary to:

- Gain or increase momentum - it has to be powerful. A person experiences an addiction that only strong motivation can overcome;
- Improve Self-Esteem - Remind you of what you used to like and how much he was valued at work before he started drinking.
Fun fact: If a man is loved, appreciated, and surrounded by care, it's almost impossible to meet an alcoholic in such a family. A man takes his first steps towards a bottle out of dissatisfaction with his life and family relationships. It's hard to help a lost person find himself, but it's even harder for him to correct himself. If a wife wants to save her husband, she must stop lying, lose her temper, stop crying, and try to meet him calmly and kindly.
Ask yourself questions and answer honestly:
- How can I change myself to get my husband to stop drinking?
- What am I going to do to get him to stop drinking?
hard? hard? But there is no other way. Stop accusing him of all his sins, strangling him with duties, restraints, restraints. For a period of time, remove the following beliefs from your consciousness:
- he must do so;
- he must be responsible;
- he is a man;
- He is obliged to "bring his family along with his family";
- He must, must, must. . .
You already have a patient in front of you, and you help him recover before reminding him of his responsibilities. At the same time, stop the constant blaming, don't focus on the issue, and take care of yourself. And, maybe after that, your remarks about the harmfulness of alcohol will be echoed in his soul.
Understanding, patience, caring - this is what a person should have, and the result of your efforts will be a strong family and an alcoholic. Connect with relatives and friends. It is possible that his father or mother persuaded the alcoholic to receive treatment. Friends who are comfortable with alcohol can also help. A friend's words often become important arguments for making important decisions.
How to convince my son to quit drinking?
Abstinence, alcoholism, patients need support. Stay away from friends who drink alcohol, which is important for a successful fight against the Green Snake. Always support him, even when he fails, he breaks down. Let him try again and break the bad habit.
Don't leave alcoholic beverages at home and quit drinking on your own. The "I drink, but I know when to stop" explanation is inappropriate. If you set a positive example yourself, you can get yourself sober.
Measures to gradually limit the amount of alcohol you drink in your life don't work, there is no "cultural drinking". Complete and eventual refusal to drink alcohol is a major condition of sobriety.
What about alcoholics who struggle with 'green snakes'? Support their efforts and try to break the habit. For example, when the father persuades him to quit drinking and the son tries to refuse a drink, vividly showing positive emotions, praise. If the son falls again, show sadness and dissatisfaction. You must help the alcoholic deal with his addiction.
Can a person quit drinking on their own?
We want to warn you: Self-treatment for alcoholics rarely works. Sometimes, with the help of character and will, it is possible if dependence on alcohol has not yet reached the physical stage. The foundation of quitting drug addiction is the desire to save the family, to get a job, to get a social status, another goal, and achieving this goal will be a reward for the effort. As a help to yourself, you should start practicing proper nutrition, jogging, weekly bathing routine.

To combat alcoholism, folk and medical treatments are widely used. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. This approach is often employed when a drinking boyfriend, husband, or son cannot be convinced of the dangers of the habit.
There are pharmacological and folk preparations that cause extreme aversion to alcohol. They are harmless and do not cause physical addiction or rejection. They contain substances that are completely incompatible with alcohol. They are added to drinks or food for drinkers.
After drinking alcoholic beverages, it can cause unpleasant reactions in the body: vomiting, nausea, dizziness, etc. The most common folk remedies use:
- thyme decoction;
- mutton soup;
- St. John's Wort Soup.
In ancient times, there was an interesting hidden method of persuading alcohol - fecal bacteria. This fungus contains a substance that prevents the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde. If you eat mushrooms and then drink alcohol, a person can develop symptoms of severe poisoning. This is how our grandmothers unknowingly got their husbands to quit drinking. But in modern reality, it's best not to use this approach, especially when medicine is so far ahead.
Why do you need expert help?
If an alcoholic cannot stop drinking, then not only folk hidden methods can be used, but also drugs. These are pharmacological preparations in the form of drops and tinctures. They are cheap. Medications can be applied covertly, but success is not always possible.
The use of drops is not enough if the disease has been rooted for a long time. Alcoholism needs to be treated in a hospital with the participation of a doctor - an anesthesiologist and a psychologist. In particularly severe cases of alcoholism, it is not possible without the help of a qualified doctor.
Chronic alcoholism has 3 stages. If the first two still give him hope of getting rid of the disease, then by the third stage, the alcoholic himself will not stop drinking without the help of a doctor.
At a time when the problem is increasing every day, a decision to force treatment must be made. Such conduct is governed by Law No. 323-FZ. The determination of anesthesia pharmacy is carried out on the basis of the conclusions of the psychiatrist.
It's better not to get caught in this state and help the alcoholic until then. Take care of your loved ones ahead of time and find your own way to convince drinkers to stop drinking. Specialist clinics will do everything possible to bring a healthy person back into society. True professionals treat alcoholism at any stage and are ready to accompany you from your first consultation to full recovery.