Drinking alcohol every day can lead to alcoholism. The severity of the complications of this serious disease depends on the alcohol dosage, intensity, quality parameters, as well as the patient's concomitant symptoms, weight, age and even gender. Today, you will learn about the dangers of alcohol, how long alcoholics can live, and how they get sick and then die.
When do you need to stop?
Frequent and immeasurable drinking can harm all systems of the body, but there is a false belief that moderate drinking is beneficial. So, say those patients who defend themselves in front of everyone every day. Obviously, if you drink a lot of alcohol every day, the patient will die in the near future.
How long can you drink? An alcohol concentration of 6‰ is fatal to a person. This can be achieved when a few 500ml bottles of vodka are drunk in a short period of time. Even if the person has not been ill before, there will be a state of poisoning, and the whole body will be dysfunctional. Patients with liver, heart, and vascular dysfunction are prohibited from drinking alcohol.
What if you drink a lot of alcohol every day, can you drink often? The signs of alcohol dependence that require immediate treatment are:
- Drink one bottle of vodka or more, or one liter of beer every day.
- For any reason, keep gathering with drinking companions who drink with alcoholics.
- Dysfunction of all body systems, increased beer belly.
- The patient uses alcohol to relax.
- Every morning, a patient who drinks alcohol is worried about hangover syndrome, which can last for several weeks.
About the complications caused by vodka
Drinking vodka every day can cause alcoholism. The body will undergo a pathological process that becomes irreversible:
- Kidney, liver, and cardiovascular dysfunction will begin, and the digestive system will also be affected.
- There will be central nervous system dysfunction and mental problems.
- A person's appearance will change, he will become tired, and his body will age faster.
Due to heavy drinking every day, the brain structure will be damaged, leading to confusion and delirium tremens.
Such patients will not even notice that they will soon start to forget everything, become inattentive, and their intelligence will decline. They will become self-sufficient and society will degenerate. Large doses of vodka can cause a person to become paralyzed, his peripheral spinal nerve fibers will become inflamed, and radiculopathy will develop.
The gastric mucosa will continue to burn and become inflamed. An inflammatory process also occurs throughout the intestine. The liver will not be able to completely neutralize the toxic compounds of alcohol, its cell structure will die, and liver cirrhosis or tumor processes will occur.
Heart disease will appear, contraction will decrease, tissue will appear malnutrition, and cardiac obesity will appear. This can cause heart pain, chest discomfort, tachycardia, and impaired respiratory function. Patients will experience edema, poor blood flow, and elevated blood pressure. Violation of the metabolic process can lead to atherosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage, and myocardial infarction.
If you are addicted to beer every day
Unlike vodka, beer is a not too strong alcoholic beverage. Therefore, it is used extensively by many people. Drinking beer every day also has many complications. The stomach will be inflamed for a long time, manifested by a sore and severe abdomen, and pancreatic atrophy will occur.
This will lead to the destruction of the digestive system. A large amount of beer can cause chronic liver inflammation without obvious symptoms, and over time can lead to liver cirrhosis. Because beer has a diuretic effect, the kidneys will work hard, leading to the loss of magnesium and potassium.
Vitamin C will also be washed away, leading to cardiac dysfunction, damage to bone and joint structure, and suppression of the immune system. The person’s resistance to stress is reduced, and he is more aggressive, irritable, or complaining. Large doses of beer can cause renal vascular sclerosis, bleeding and renal necrosis.
Problems with the cardiovascular system can occur. Patients suffering from beer and alcoholism will develop varicose veins and the heart will become obese. With a little effort, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, and ischemia occur. The number of deaths caused by impaired cerebral circulation caused by beer and alcohol will double.
Excessive drinking of beer can cause male impotence and endocrine dysfunction caused by progesterone. Men have become more like women, their hair is not long, and their voice has changed. This dependence on beer is 4 times faster than Volt, and it is more difficult to respond to treatment measures.
The man refused to admit that he was addicted to beer. He believes that beer is good for the body and associates impotence with other causes.
If you rarely drink, only on holidays
Alcoholic beverages have different effects on daily drinkers and occasional drinkers. Alcoholism has very different effects on people with alcoholism and those who drink alcohol in rare cases. The dose of 100 grams of wine for a normal person is equivalent to 1/2 liter of vodka for an alcohol-dependent patient. An alcoholic is always very sensitive to alcohol, even if he stops using it.
After three years of sober life, he couldn't drink any alcohol. One glass of wine, one glass of wine, the next glass of wine, so non-stop, one can't stop at all. The reason is as follows. First, alcohol is oxidized into acetaldehyde compounds in liver cells, so the liver of patients is most affected by daily alcohol consumption.
What are the effects of regular drinking?
The following is to consider how frequent use of beverages affects internal organs and systems.
What happens to the liver?
Acetaldehyde compounds are highly toxic. Drunk every day makes the liver tense, it cannot completely neutralize this toxic substance. Compared with healthy people, alcohol metabolites accumulate rapidly in alcoholics. The neutralization of these metabolites is slow, and they stay in the body for a long time.
This kind of poisoning can cause hangover syndrome, and patients will get used to ethanol. These changes in this kind of person will always happen. The more alcohol he drinks, the worse his overall condition becomes.
Compared with non-drinkers, the large amount of acetaldehyde compounds in the body of alcoholics will last a long time. Acetaldehyde is not only deposited in liver tissues, but also in other organs.
This will lead to a continued desire to drink alcohol for patients with alcohol dependence. Normal people have no such desire. If you continue to drink a lot of alcohol, it will lead to liver cirrhosis. Organs become smaller, blood vessels in the liver constrict, pressure increases, and blood stagnation occurs. This causes organ walls to rupture, bleeding can occur, and death can occur.
People who don't drink alcohol can get drunk in rare cases, and they rarely feel hangover syndrome because their liver functions normally and can neutralize alcohol toxins well.
How is the structure of the brain affected?
When a person is drunk, the cortex is destroyed, and various parts of the brain are numb and die. In alcohol, edema, scarred ulcers and dilated blood vessels are observed on the brain tissue. It also showed many ruptures, forming cysts on the necrotic segments.
The effect of ethanol on the central nervous system
If you drink a lot of alcohol, then a person's behavior will be different, and his spirit and morality will degenerate. The patient's perception of reality is insufficient, and his concentration is inadequate. In addition, the nerve tissue conducts fewer impulses, forming polyneuritis, uncoordinated movements, and the patient does not sleep well. He is unreasonably irritable, aggressive, and feverish.
He is delusional, he is troubled by hallucinations, people can't feel temperature, pain, hyperhidrosis. Soreness often appears suddenly, a person feels ants crawling on his skin, and muscle cramps are also disturbed. Lack of treatment can lead to changes in encephalopathy, alcoholic delirium, mental retardation, Korsakov psychosis, and seizures.
Heart and blood vessels
The systematic use of alcohol can cause cardiac hypertrophy, its work will be disrupted, the rhythm will fail, and ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension and myocardial infarction will occur.
What happens to the kidneys?
If you drink vodka every day, your kidneys will wear out faster and you will soon lose your ability to work. If the metabolic process is disrupted, the toxic compounds in the blood will not be eliminated, leading to poisoning. The possibility of forming changes in pyelonephritis and inflammatory processes in the urinary system is high. Then there will be kidney failure, stones and tumors.
How does the spleen affect the gastrointestinal tract?
Ethanol compounds are toxic to the digestive system. They will hit the wall of the esophagus, heartburn will occur, and the urge to vomit will increase, which will cause the blood vessels in the esophagus to begin to thin and expand. This will rupture the vein wall and bleeding will occur.
The gastric membrane will also be damaged, it will age faster, and will develop inflammation, ulcers and tumor processes. The spleen can become dysfunctional, and it uses destroyed blood cells. The spleen will become enlarged, and there will be suppuration and necrosis.
Immune system problems
Immunity will decline, thereby weakening the body's defense capabilities. The synthesis of lysozyme protein contained in saliva and tears is reduced, thereby neutralizing pathogenic microorganisms. A person will become susceptible to many infectious diseases, and his condition will worsen.
What happens to the muscles and joints?
If you drink alcohol systematically, calcium loss will occur, bone tissue will become fragile, often decompose, and osteoporotic changes will occur. The joints will also start to ache. 75% of alcoholics will develop arthritis, and the next binge eating will only aggravate the pain. It also has obvious negative effects on muscles. When muscle growth slows down or stops, muscle tissue will be destroyed. They will appear lax and shrink, but they will have more fat.
Body fluids will slowly drain out of the body, and there will be edema changes. Uric acid will accumulate in the form of hydrochloric acid and begin to accumulate in the joints. This will cause them to become inflamed and gout will develop. The more the patient drinks, the more painful sensations will appear. Excessive fluid that seeps into the joint pocket puts pressure on the cavity walls and stimulates nerve tissue. After a period of time, the joints will deform.
Impaired endocrine system
Alcoholism can cause endocrine disorders. In women, the synthesis of testosterone will increase, and the levels of estrogen and progesterone will decrease. In addition, the ovaries will become painful and weight will increase.

A woman’s appearance will change with her behavior, sleep will be disturbed, she will become aggressive, her muscle mass will increase, and her hairline will become more pronounced.
How are the respiratory organs affected?
Approximately 2% of the alcohol released in the form of vapor passes through the lung tissue. This leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and inflammation of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Pneumonia can be complicated by pulmonary sclerosis. Ethanol in the blood expands the lung tissue and develops emphysema.
What will happen to eyesight?
The result of ethanol exposure is an increase in intracranial pressure, which is the cause of minor bleeding and damage to the blood vessels in the eye. Overworked eye muscles will experience hypoxia and visual function will deteriorate. The eye muscles gradually atrophy, the optic nerve is insufficiency, and the patient may be completely blind.
About appearance
Alcohol can ruin a person’s appearance:
- There is a lump under the eyeball.
- Messy hair.
- The nose has a bluish tint.
- The face was swollen and bleeding from the blow was observed.
- The clothes are torn, dirty, and smelly.
The increased blood flow to tissue structures overloads the blood vessels and they are damaged. Rupture of small capillaries. Red spots can be observed on the face. Due to blood vessel damage and lack of oxygen, the skin appears blue. In order to excrete ethanol, the body needs a lot of fluids, which is manifested as thirsty after drinking. After he drinks water, it will accumulate.
This is the body's response to possible dehydration. As a result, the facial area of the limbs swelled.
Lifespan of alcohol addiction
It is difficult to say what the life expectancy of these patients is. After all, every organism is an individual. The life span of these people is affected by various environments, such as the dosage and quality of alcohol.
According to statistics, the course of alcoholism patients ranges from 48 to 55 years old. With drunkenness and alcoholism, using alcoholic beverages when he was young, such a person would die earlier. Patients in the final stages of alcoholism are at high risk. They lived no more than 6 years from the onset of the disease and died of severe pathology.
Alcoholics often die:
- From oncology, perforated gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
- Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver fibrosis changes caused by alcohol;
- intestinal obstruction;
- Acute cerebral circulatory disturbance caused by ischemia or hemorrhage;
- Cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, sudden coronary death;
- Acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
- Died suddenly while sleeping;
- Suicide while drunk.

Alcohol compound poisoning can cause death for people between 35 and 45 years of age. All internal organs and systems will fail, and a person's life span will be shortened quickly. In order not to suffer from such a serious drug addiction, it is best to quit alcoholic beverages completely, so that a person can avoid many problems and stay healthy.